Oral thrush is an infection of yeast fungus, Candida albicans in mucous membrane of mouth. Thrush is generally referred to the infection present in oral cavity of babies, while adult infection is known as candidiasis or moniliasis.
How do we get thrush ?
Candida is present in oral cavities of 50% of the population. Everyone who wear denture have Candida in their mouth without any noticeable side effects. Under normal circumstances growth of Candida albicans is kept under control by bacteria. When the growth becomes out of control the thrush develop. This may occur due to side effect of taking antibiotics or chemotherapy. Also may be due to diabetes, drug abuse, malnutrition and old age or infection such as AIDS. Also people with ill fitting dentures have cuts in their mouth which gives gateway to Candida. These people often shows moist, pale pink spots on lips called angular cheilitis which is an indication of Candida infection.
Who is at risk ?
* New born babies
* Denture users
* Adults with diabetes or metabolic disorders
* People undergoing antibiotics or chemotherapy treatment
* Drug users
* People with poor nutrition
* People with immune deficiency
Symptoms :
White creamy or yellow raised spots on the mucous membrane of mouth often described as curd like appearance.
Spots can be scraped off, leaving a red tender area beneath, which can bleed..
Spots are usually only in the mouth but may spread down in to the throat.
Uncomfortable but not usually painful. Oral thrush often causes burning or soreness in the mouth, the throat or at the corners of the lips.
Diagnosis :
Diagnosis is made through observation by the dentist or through laboratory samples.
Treatment :
If the underlying cause is treated the thrush will resolve itself.
* This may involve giving better fitting dentures, controlling diabetes
* The topical treatment is done with anti fungal medicines in form of oral suspensions that are held in mouth before swallowing (e.g. nystatin, miconazole, clotrimazole ) given for 5 to 10 days.
Author: Dr. Rupali Jakhadi, Smile Care, Nashik
ref: http://www.facebook.com/notes/smile-care/oral-thrush/188945237806426
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