Friday, February 20, 2009


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BioEden (registered with the FDA), is the first fully operational processing laboratory and storage bank for primary teeth stem cells to open in the U.S. Their state-of-the-art facilities are located in Austin, Texas, and will serve children and their families nationwide. BioEden is also the only cell storage facility willing to guarantee their services.

The stem cells found in children’s primary teeth are a viable, ethical, and morally non-controversial alternative to the possibilities offered by embryonic stem cells. BioEden, Inc. was founded to bring this exciting technology to the American public at an affordable price.

According to President Jeff Johnson, the process is simple, when your child’s tooth begins to loosen, call them. They will send you a kit with processing instructions, and make arrangements to have the tooth transported to their facility in Austin, Texas where the cells contained in the tooth will be removed and stored in a special process that keeps them viable for the future. It is critical that the cells be extracted quickly after the tooth falls out, and there are only 12 teeth that can be used for this process — not every tooth contains cells with this potential.

Dr. Songao Shi, Principle Investigator of the Dental Biology Unit at the National Institute of Health, identified adult stem cells in primary children’s teeth in 2003. Progenitor cells discovered include adiposites, osteoblasts, chondracytes, and mesenchymal stem cells. These types of cells are all being investigated for their ability to therapeutically treat many human diseases including heart disease, bone regeneration, and most promisingly neuronal degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and spinal cord injury.

In a major breakthrough in stem cell study researchers find human teeth can be a potential source of stem cell. Researchers are very sure about the source, so much that two US companies have offered special jar to preserve human teeth that are no more in use. Unfortunately, they find no users so far.

One such company is StemSave. The company charges a one-time fee of $590 and annual fees of $100 for storage.

Researchers have found that human exfoliated deciduous teeth had cells that showed positive results in tests with mice. So the exfoliated teeth may be an unexpected unique resource for stem-cell therapies including autologous stem-cell transplantation and tissue engineering.

However, others says that freezing teeth is no exception.It is similar to current practice of freezing sperm, eggs or embryos for future use, or maybe more like freezing the body or head of dead people in the hope that future technology will find a way to make it worth the trouble.

Source: Newsok

Someday, dentists might be able to repair cavities with stem cells instead of synthetic fillings. And on the "long-term horizon," dental stem cells might be used to regrow teeth for people who otherwise would need dentures, Stansbury said.

1 comment:

Grow new teeth said...

Now there is no need to denture anymore to grow new teeth. A new technique has been revealed to grow teeth. Through stem cells, teeth can be cultivated. Scientist have experimented it on mouse's teeth and found it successful.