29th Jan - Bonding Dentistry - Whats new in 201
Morning Session - Didactics
1. Essentials of colors in Aesthetic Dentistry - Dr. Mona Kakar
2. 3D restorations in your practice - Part 1 : Dr. Nijitomi
3. 3D restorations in your practice - Part 2 : Dr. Nijitomi
4. The Aesthetic Focus - Raising the Bar : Dr. Ajay Kakar
5. Q & A – Open House with the faculty
Afternoon Session - Hands on
3D RESTORATIONS IN YOUR PRACTICE – Demonstration and Hands on Tutorials
This session will overview the indications of composite restorations in anterior and posterior teeth and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures for both single restorations and a full mouth smile rehabilitation. The objective of this full day program is for the delegate to become familiar with the “Super Natural Layering Restoration” leading to more predictable aesthetic indications, up to full smile rehabilitation and to master the brushing technique and subsequent finishing and polishing techniques to achieve superior aesthetics.
30th Jan – Prosthetics : Dentures made easy and predictable- Exciting Chair side protocols
Morning Session - Didactics
1. Easy and simple comfortable dentures : A view into soft and hard relining procedures - Dr. Nijitomi
2. Essentials of Full Dentures : Faculty to be announced
3. Removable Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Dr. Nijitomi
4. Q & A Session with the faculty
Afternoon Session - Hands On
This will consist of a patient demonstration and how a directly relining can be comfortable carried out. The delegates will get the opportunity to handle the materials and carry out a relining on models.
Timing & Venue
The program will be on both the days from 10.00 AM to 4.30 PM at the "Acres Club", Chembur (Next to Chembur Police Station)
Rs 2000/- (Inclusive of lunch and Tea/Coffee on both the days)
Material Hand out
All delegates will get one mini syringe of composite and one Bond force Mini Kit.
PS: Contact Ms Laxmi at 25234728, 25293024, 25298998 or send Email at ajay@bitein.com for registration.
PPS: Send an Email at ajay@bitein.com for a special time limited offer by the 20th of January, 2011.
Periodontitis Staging and Grading
2 weeks ago